Note: The procedure below describes how to activate your LoRa device on The Things Network (TTN).
Over-the-Air Activation (OTAA) is the preferred and most secure way to connect with The Things Network. Devices perform a join-procedure with the network, during which a dynamic DevAddr is assigned and security keys are negotiated with the device.
- Open the lid of your Evvos device, connect the battery and wait a few seconds until the LED stops flashing.
Start HyperTerminal-like application on your computer – e.g. Putty (Windows PC) or Serial (MAC)
Connect the device to your computer using the supplied USB cable. The LED will turn on (green). Click Connect/Start Session.
Type 4 and press Enter to select option [4] Device info in your HyperTerminal-like application.
Login to your account in TTN and click your profile (upper right corner) and select Console.
Click Applications and then click your application.
Click Register device in the Devices section.
Provide a name for your device in the Device ID text box.
Copy DEVEUI, paste it the Device EUI text box in TTN and click Register.
Click the eye icon in the App Key text box to see your App Key
Select your Terminal window and hit Enter to return to the main menu.
Type 7 and press Enter to select option [7] AT command interpreter.
Continue? (y/n): Type y and press Enter.
At the Enter AT command: prompt type AT+APPKEY=1234456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF1 where 1234456789ABCDEF123456789ABCDEF1 is your 16-byte AppKey from TTN. Press Enter.
Response: +OK
Type AT+APPKEY? and press enter to ensure your device has the correct AppKey stored.
Response: +OK=<16-byte AppKey>
Close your terminal application and disconnect the cable.
Turn ON your device using the magnet supplied by Evvos.